- 发布于:2023-12-04 18:00:33
- 来源:蓝鲸体育
[–]Spursrawsharks 1035 points 11 hours ago
From all the angles it looks like it went:
Udoka: "Stop all that bitching"
Lebron: "Don't use that word so loosely, we're grown men"
Udoka: "Shut up, soft ass boy"
Still seems pretty weak to me, especially because it didn't look anywhere close to getting physical.
[–]floatersforalgernon[S] 105 points 12 hours ago
Which is clearly not about Thanksgiving. Shaking my head
[–]noknownothing 647 points 11 hours ago
The whole point of the T is so that the game doesn't get out of control. Udoka is warned after the first outburst. And thrown out after the second. He knew that was coming. Might've even been strategic. You can't have coaches yapping at opposing players. The ref did a good job controlling the situation.
[–]shaka_sulu 42 points 7 hours ago
If you play back to right after his first tech, he immediately whipsers to his assistant. I joke to my wife he's probably saying "be prepared to take over, I'm going to get a 2nd one"
[–]Sunsseanconnery69696 10 points 4 hours ago
"I have to take a poop, see you in an hour"
[–]LakersCheckmynewsong 156 points 8 hours ago
Things were also getting a bit chippy on the floor right before this, so the technicals didn’t happen in a vacuum.
[–]Trail Blazerstoadtruck 3501 points 12 hours ago
Neither of them looked surprised so probably a good call
[–]TW_Yellow78 293 points 8 hours ago
Coach calling opposing player a bitch and soft ass boy, lol. Lebron must have said something more than “we all grown ups” to get a T too
[–]GradeBeginning3600 2 points 3 hours ago
Just another example of why Lebron wouldn't be as good in other eras. I can only imagine Larry Bird chirping Lebron lol
[–]NefariousnessNew6534 4 points 2 hours ago
this is top 5 dumbest things ever written. You think anyone matching lebrons athleticism in other eras lmao if anything he'd just be even better
[–]GradeBeginning3600 0 points 2 hours ago
You seem pretty worked up over something silly, that you Lebron?
If Udoka triggered him this hard Bird would have retired him before halftime
[–]NefariousnessNew6534 [score hidden] 48 minutes ago
if that’s worked up to you you might softer than you claim lebron is lmao
Bird would’ve retired by halftime after lebron dunks on him like 10 times in a row
[–]Fluffy_Gap_616 2835 points 12 hours ago*
Udoka said “Y’all gotta stop with all that b*tching man”
That’s the “word” that got LeBron riled up.
[–]Cavaliersquentin-coldwater 2014 points 11 hours ago
That's the same word that got LeBron mad at Draymond in the finals and led him to his infamous "I am a man and a father of 3" rant.
He also famously reacted when a fan called him a pussy ass bitch.
It's clearly a trigger word for LeBron
[–]Trail Blazersankylosaurus_tail 49 points 9 hours ago
Or when Russel gets called Westbrick
[–]Bullshankbaumbach 29 points 8 hours ago
Shannon Sharpe went on a rant awhile back about how black male culture holds the word "bitch" in the highest of regards when it comes to an insult and to lobby it at another black male is the equivalent of slapping them in the face with your dick.
I don't get it, but that's what Shannon said.
[–]skoobaskiz 4 points an hour ago
It’s based on jail shit. Essentially as soon as you say that word it means “we are about to fight” or yeah you become the bitch and nobody wants that.
[–]SeriousLetterhead364 203 points 9 hours ago
I think LeBron sincerely believes that the most important thing a man can be is a good father. He believes he has been a good father to his children, and calling him a bitch is questioning his integrity as a man.
So his response makes sense in that context. You can think whatever about him, but the most important part of his character as a man (a good father) isn’t up for debate.
[–]Mavericksmiddlebird 42 points 7 hours ago
Parenting is really hard. Anybody who does it well ain’t no bitch.
[–]DMDoubleG 92 points 7 hours ago
I've seen Blake Griffin say on a couple of podcasts that "bitch" is viewed across the league as basically the worst thing you could call a person.
It came up because Blake had a bit of a spat with a person who isn't an NBA player who jokingly called him a bitch, not realizing that it carried a lot more weight for Blake than many other people.
[–]Clippersosusris 393 points 12 hours ago
Mario Chalmers told LeBron he was playing like a bitch back on the Heat and Bron snapped on him, it's a sensitive word for him especially it seems
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